Natasza Szutta will be the keynote speaker at the third meeting of the Seminar “Judicial Character in Hard Times”. She is a Professor of Philosophy at University of Gdańsk, Poland. She authored the books: Współczesna etyka cnót. Projekt nowej etyki? [Contemporary Virtue Ethics. The Project of New Ethics?] (Gdańsk 2007), Czy istnieje coś, co zwiemy moralnym charakterem i cnotą [Is there Anything Like Moral Character and Virtue?] (Lublin 2017); she is also the editor of the anthologies: Współczesna etyka cnót: możliwości i ograniczenia [Contemporary Virtue Ethics: Its Possibilities and limitations] (Warszawa 2010), W poszukiwaniu moralnego charakteru [Towards Moral Character] (Lublin 2015), as well as the author of various papers on virtue ethics and the situationistic critique of virtues. Her areas of interest are ethics, metaethics, moral psychology.
She is also very engaged in popularization philosophy in Poland. She is one of the editors of a popular philosophy magazine titled Filozofuj! in which she regularly publishes papers on ethical issues in literature.